
Auto account is active. If you have problems creating an account by logging in through the client, you can still use the old form, though response time can sometimes be slow (sorry)

Client files are up-to-date, so those with updated clients shouldn't have problems

Remember to vote weekly (top right box on the forums)

Have Fun!

3..2..1.. Ignition
2005-05-20 05:45 EDT

Well, barring any serious mishaps, she's finally Live for good!

Use the Create Account link on the left to apply for an account. I'll be adding them regularly over the next few days when I'm awake and have access to a secure linkup.

For the record, it's still Thursday somewhere in the Pacific, and early Friday elsewhere, so neither side can really complain :)

Almost there
2005-05-14 02:15 EDT

Well, real-world time commitments have slowed plans a bit. I'm doing the test wipe when I finish this message, and I plan to get a first-blush account creation form up before I totally lose consciousness tonight.

If you notice anything bad on the shard, like items or too fast skill gain, please report it in the bugs forum or through email. I'll use the forums to post details if you want to test the accounts form when it is done. I can't promise when I'll be able to do the actual launch, but I hope to do it in the next day or so, though I did add a poll in General Discussion on waiting until next weekend (to give everyone a better chance to start even).

Estimated Launch Plans
2005-05-04 17:20 EDT

Ok, so I'm hoping to push the shard through beta and to the "Clean Start" this next week or so. I've added one poll already, and I will be adding more over the next day or two.

I was meaning to switch the shard over to the beta name alot faster than I have, so actual "beta" is going to be short. I've got some backend code to finish up by this weekend, at which point I'll rename it. Since noone is really playing now, I'm going to take out the testcenter / set skills at that point and knock anything above 100 down to 50. People will still have mediocre skills so they can screw around with eachother, and make sure that skill gain isn't borked.

Then, barring any major problems, I'll do a test-wipe early-to-mid week, at which point it should be like it will be when we actually start over, though still in testing so things won't count. Then, if all goes well, I'm looking for actual launch next friday. If anything critical comes up in the first week or two, I'll do my best to compensate for lost effort.

Halfway there?
2005-04-21 11:45 EDT

Well, we're coming up on being up for two weeks. Things are putting along slowly, but it's still somewhat on track. Some of you may have noticed that Color Wars are back, hopefully some new events will be added as well.

If you were waiting till we had a server to donate, you can see we're up now, so please Support Us if you can :)

Estimated Launch Plans
2005-05-04 17:20 EDT

Ok, so I'm hoping to push the shard through beta and to the "Clean Start" this next week or so. I've added one poll already, and I will be adding more over the next day or two.

I was meaning to switch the shard over to the beta name alot faster than I have, so actual "beta" is going to be short. I've got some backend code to finish up by this weekend, at which point I'll rename it. Since noone is really playing now, I'm going to take out the testcenter / set skills at that point and knock anything above 100 down to 50. People will still have mediocre skills so they can screw around with eachother, and make sure that skill gain isn't borked.

Then, barring any major problems, I'll do a test-wipe early-to-mid week, at which point it should be like it will be when we actually start over, though still in testing so things won't count. Then, if all goes well, I'm looking for actual launch next friday. If anything critical comes up in the first week or two, I'll do my best to compensate for lost effort.

Crawling from the darkness
2005-04-08 21:45 EDT

Arch Alpha Test is live. Not much to do yet, check out the "Test Shard" link on left for more info.

You can download UOGateway here.
Once installed, click to add Arch Alpha Test to your serverlist.

The bunny encounters stock issues
2005-03-25 13:45 EST

The host has run out of stock, so the server is on back order, hopefully for at most 2 weeks. I'll update with any news about it as it comes in. I had really hoped to get it up before the end of the month, but nothing I can do as I'd like to stick with this host...

Gimme $100 or the bunny gets it!
2005-03-01 17:30 EST

Ok, this has gone on long enough, we've got enough for a few months, the fate of the server will then be up to you all. I'll order the server if $100 comes in, otherwise the Easter bunny will be bringing it up.

We'll start off in alpha (TC that may wipe a few times) for a week or so, some things will be dirty hacks. I'll start bringing decent code online and call it beta when the possibility of catastrophes dies down. From there it will depend on how things are panning out money wise, time wise, and code wise.

Quick Polling Note
2005-02-15 16:15 EST

I have added a poll in the Donations forum for getting a cheaper server with less capacity, or waiting for the money for a better suited, higher cost & capacity server.

Also, sorry for the extensive web downtime the other day, the host had serious hardware issues :/

Happy New Year!
2005-01-05 17:30 EST

Just a quick update for those who don't watch the forums. Things are still coming along, but money is coming in slowly. The current plan is to get together enough for a few months, then hope and pray the donations pick up to keep us rolling :)

Forum Host Test
2004-12-01 01:15 EST

Testing on the new forum host seems to be going well, although google doesn't seem to like crawling it all that much. We'll see how it goes. Keep the money coming in, every little bit helps :)

Forum Registration
2004-11-18 15:45 EST

So... I've changed the ip bans into read only bans, so that people can view the forum, just not screw around by posting. It gives you an annoying message saying such at the top of the page. That message also gives information as to why you are banned and information on how to fix it if you think you were wrongly banned. You'll need to have an activated forum account here to be able to get unbanned.

As far as accounts go, if you registered before, but never saw the activation email, you can click the "Did you miss your activation email?" link and get it sent again, or get it sent to a new email if you put in a bad one.

The forums may not be exhaustively setup, so if you see something wrong, feel free to email me through the contact link on the main page (http://archeronne.us)

Site and forums
2004-11-13 15:00 EST

Forums may be going up and down temporarily as they're upgrading the sql server, so they'll be back once thats finished and I change it to point to the new server.

I'm going to be getting a hosting package with the domain fairly soon, so it won't have the current masked forwarding and will have actual links pointing around. Hopefully the sponsors will help with that.

Anyone who's good at modding phpbb and would like to save me some research time by answering a couple questions, feel free to email me at the link on the contact page. Its about changing posting privaledges based on an ip compared to a list and a user variable.

Lets get it on!
2004-11-02 16:30 EST

Drew finished the initial paypal setup, and is applying for an ad program as I type this. I'll put up a donation page hopefully tonight or tomorrow, and I'll open a discussion on the forums as far as getting something for your money.

I'll be unbanning AOL and the less serious offenders from the forums around that time as well, though if people continue to cause problems, I'll have to re-institute the bans. Just play nice, no need to spam, harass or deride the shard, the staff, or the users. Also remember that the site and forums are for the Archeronne Shard, so it's not a place to advertise other shards.

Go Vote
2004-11-02 09:00 EST

What else is there to say. If you're eligible and registered to vote in the US, go out and do it.


Forums were down temporarily, things should be back up now though. Things on the back end are progressing slowly, please bear with me as I have been very busy as of late


Update your bookmarks to http://archeronne.us
New forums are available at http://forums.archeronne.us

Things are coming along slowly. Ads and donation avenues should hopefully be up soon, I'm still working out a few logistics issues. As always, anyone wishing to drop a few hundred and speed things up, feel free to email me at ArcheronneUOAccts (at) hotmail.com